Thursday, November 1, 2007

[2007.11.01] Fast Fourier Transform (FFT/IFFT) in C#

Outlined here is my implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) in C#. The FFT/IFFT classes accepts and return an array of Complex values to be transformed. In addition, helper methods within the classes do the grunt work of padding the array with zeros and performing the actual computations to return a valid FFT/IFFT object. As you can see from the code file, this is well documented and detailed so that anyone can follow and reproduce what I have done.

In addition, I have compared the results I received after running my test program to a similar setup in Matlab and my results were verified in both cases. The class diagram below illustrates the features of the FFT class.

Fig.1 Class diagrams for FFT/IFFT


*  Author Name : Surujlal 'Sparky' Dasrath  *

*  Date        : November 01 2007           * 

*  Contact    :        *

* *******************************************


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace FastFourier


    #region Summary of FFT and IFFT

    /*  Verion: 1.0.0

    *  Member List:

    *      [1] TYPES

    *          -> FFT

    *          -> IFFT

    *          -> FourierTransformException

    *      [2] PRIVATE FIELDS

    *          FFT:

    *              -> complexArrayInput - an array of Complex types

    *              -> noOfPoints - number of points to be used in the FFT calculation

    *              -> modifiedArray - an arry of Complex type that is a resized version of complexArrayInput

    *          IFFT:

    *              -> complexArrayInput - an array of Complex types

    *              -> noOfPoints - number of points to be used in the IFFT calculation


    *          FFT:

    *              -> ComplexArray - read/write property that accesses the complexArrayInput field

    *              -> NumberOfPoints - read/write property that accesses the noOfPoints field

    *              -> ModifiedArray - read/write property that accesses the modifiedArray field

    *              -> Length - gets the length of an array

    *      [4] CONSTRUCTORS

    *              -> FFT(Complex[] complexArray) - initialize an instance of the FFT type using its argument

    *                  to set the complexInputArray field

    *              -> FFT(Complex[] complexArray, Int32 noOfPoints) - initialize an instance of the FFT type using

    *                  the first argument to set the complexInputArray field and the second to set numberOfPoints

    *              -> IFFT(Complex[] complexArray) : base(complexArray) - inherits from FFT and used to

    *                  initialize an instance of the FFT type using its argument to set the complexInputArray field

    *              -> IFFT(Complex[] complexArray, Int32 noOfPoints) : base(complexArray, noOfPoints) - inherits

    *                  from FFT and is used to initialize an instance of the FFT type using the first argument

    *                  to set the complexInputArray field and the second to set numberOfPoints

    *      [5] METHODS

    *              -> Fft() - used to call ZeroPad() and DoFFT() methods

    *              -> ZeroPad() - truncate/extend-by-zero-padding/leave-intact a Complex array

    *              -> DoFFT() - perform Fourier decomposition

    *              -> Real(Complex[] x) - returns real part of each element of an array of Complex types

    *              -> Imaginary(Complex[] x) - returns imaginary part of each element of an array of Complex types

    *              -> Abs(Complex[] x) - returns the magnitude of each element of an array of Complex types

    *              -> Equals() - overridden method of System.Object to suit the needs to FFT/IFFT

    *              -> GetHashCode() - overridden method of System.Object to suit the needs of FFT/IFFT

    * */



    #region Start of Class "FFT"


    //        N

    // X(k) = SUM x(n) * Exp(-j * 2 * PI * k * n / N)       1 <= k <= N

    //        n=0

    // and Euler's Identity:

    //       j*theta

    //      e        = cos(theta) + j * sin(theta)


    /// <summary>

    /// Performs the Fast Fourier Transformation technique on an array of real or complex values

    /// and returns the result.

    /// </summary>

    public class FFT

    {   // start definition of Class fft01


        #region FFT -> PRIVATE FIELDS

        /// <summary>

        /// Array of time domain Complex values to be transformed to frequency domain using FFT.

        /// </summary>

        private Complex[] complexInputArray;    // x(n)


        /// <summary>

        /// 32-bit representation of the number of points used in the FFT calculation.

        /// </summary>

        private Int32 noOfPoints;               // N


        /// <summary>

        /// Modified array of time domain Complex values to be transformed to frequency domain using FFT.

        /// Modification is in the form of either no changes was done to the original input array or the input

        /// was truncated/zero-padded.

        /// </summary>

        private Complex[] modifiedArray;          // x(n) - Modified for FFT




        /// <summary>

        /// Gets or sets the array to be transformed.

        /// </summary>

        public Complex[] ComplexArray

        {// start property "ComplexArray"

            get // gets x(n)

            { return this.complexInputArray; }

            set // sets x(n)

            { this.complexInputArray = value; }

        }// end property "ComplexArray"


        /// <summary>

        /// Gets or sets the number of points used in the Fast Fourier transformation.

        /// </summary>

        public Int32 NumberOfPoints

        {// start property "NumberOfPoints"

            get // gets N

            { return this.noOfPoints; }

            set // sets N

            { this.noOfPoints = value; }

        }// end property "NumberOfPoints"


        /// <summary>

        /// Gets or sets the number of values in the array with respect to the number of FFT points.

        /// </summary>

        public Complex[] ModifiedArray

        {// start property "ModifiedArray"


            { return this.modifiedArray; }


            { this.modifiedArray = value; }

        }// end property "ModifiedArray"


        /// <summary>

        /// Gets the length of the input array to be transformed.

        /// </summary>

        public Int32 Length

        {// start property "Length"


            { return this.complexInputArray.Length; }

        }// end property "Length"



        #region FFT -> CONSTRUCTORS

        /// <summary>

        /// Initialize an new instance of a FFT object using the "complexArray" argument

        /// to populate the array to be transformed.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="complexArray">An array of Complex types to be transformed.</param>

        public FFT(Complex[] complexArray)

        { // start "FFT(Complex[] complexArray)"

            this.complexInputArray = complexArray;

            this.noOfPoints = complexArray.Length;

            this.modifiedArray = new Complex[this.noOfPoints];

        } // end "FFT(Complex[] complexArray)"


        /// <summary>

        /// Initialize an new instance of a FFT object using the "complexArray" argument

        /// to populate the array to be transformed and the "noOfPoints" argument to set

        /// the number of points used in the calculation.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="complexArray">An array of Complex types to be transformed.</param>

        /// <param name="noOfPoints">32-bit representation of the number of FFT points to be used.</param>

        public FFT(Complex[] complexArray, Int32 noOfPoints)

        { // start "FFT(Complex[] complexArray, Int32 noOfPoints)"




                this.complexInputArray = complexArray;

                this.noOfPoints = noOfPoints;

                this.modifiedArray = new Complex[this.noOfPoints];


                if (noOfPoints <= 0)

                    throw new FourierTransformException("The number of points must be greater than 0");


            catch (FourierTransformException ex)




        } // end "FFT(Complex[] complexArray, Int32 noOfPoints)"

        #endregion  // End region definition for Constructors


        #region FFT -> METHODS

        /// <summary>

        /// Performs a complete Fast Fourier Transformation on an array of Complex values.

        /// Automatically calls ZeroPad() to leave/truncate/pad-with-zeros the array as

        /// specified by the number of FFT points to be used; then calls the DoFFT() method

        /// which is where the actual FFT computations are done.

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns>Returns an array of Fourier Transformed values.</returns>

        public Complex[] Fft()

        {   // start method "Complex[] Fft()"


            // First:

            // call the ZeroPad() method and that will retrieve the original

            //  input array of values to be transformed; ZeroPad() will also

            //  resize the array appropriately to the number of FFT points

            //  desired in the output before any processing is done

            Complex[] modArr = ZeroPad();


            // Second:

            // call the DoFFT() method which is where all the processing/math is done

            Complex[] freqDom = DoFFT();


            // return the results to the caller

            return freqDom;

        }   // end method "Complex[] Fft()"


        /// <summary>

        /// Used to either leave the original input array intact or truncate or

        /// zero pad the array based on the number of FFT points to be used. It is

        /// called from within DoFFT() and handles conditions where the Number of FFT points

        /// is equal, less than and greater than the length of the input array.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="inputArray">The array of Complex values that will undergo FFT.</param>

        /// <returns>Returns a new Complex valued array that has the same number of indices

        /// as the number of FFT points.

        /// <list type="bullet">

        /// <item>If the number of FFT points EQUALS the length of the input array,

        /// nothing needs to be done and the original input array is returned.</item>

        /// <item>If the number of FFT points is LESS than the length of the input array,

        /// then the result array is truncated up to the 'FFT points' index.</item>

        /// <item>If the number of FFT points is GREATER than the length of the input array,

        /// then the length of the resultant array will be based on the number of FFT points

        /// and each additional index is filled with zero valued Complex objects.</item>

        /// </list>

        /// If the number of FFT points is less than the length

        /// of the </returns>

        /// <remarks>This method is provided in order to provide users with a finer

        /// grain of control at each step of the calculations.</remarks>

        public Complex[] ZeroPad()

        {// start method "public Complex[] ZeroPad(Complex[] inputArray)"


            // This method will test 3 conditions and the resulting output

            //  array is based as each of these are evaluated

            //  [1] If the number of FFT points and the input array

            //      that is to have FFT performed on it has an EQUAL

            //      number of points, then just return the original

            //      input array

            //  [2] If the number of FFT points is GREATER than than the

            //      size of the input array, create a new array and copy

            //      over all the results of the input array and the

            //      remaining indices are to be filled with zero-valued

            //      Complex objects

            //  [3] If the number of FFT points is LESS than the size

            //      of the input array then copy over that many points

            //      to the new array of Complex values and discard the rest


            // [1] Perform Step 1: if FFT points EQUAL length of input array

            //      do nothing and just return the input array without modification


            // First:

            // retrieve the original user input array of values stored in the

            //  properties of the type

            Complex[] inputArray = this.ComplexArray;


            // [1] Perform Step 1

            if (inputArray.Length == this.noOfPoints)


                this.modifiedArray = inputArray;

                return inputArray;



            // [2,3] Perform Steps 2 & 3:



                // create an array that will hold Complex objects and make

                //  the length of the array as large as the number of points

                //  that the FFT formula uses; in this case the number of

                //  FFT points is GREATHER than the length of the input array

                Complex[] paddedArray = new Complex[this.NumberOfPoints];



                // iterate through the newly created array (paddedArray)

                //  and at each index, create a new Complex object

                //  with both the real and imaginary fields set to 0

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.NumberOfPoints; i++)

                {// start for with i=0


                    // create Complex objects with real & imaginary

                    //  fields set to 0

                    paddedArray[i] = new Complex(0, 0);


                    // within the same for loop and at matching indices,

                    //  copy the value of the original input array to the

                    //  newly created padded array

                    //  NOTE: The 'if' does step 3, the 'else' does step 2

                    if (i < inputArray.Length)

                    { // start if

                        paddedArray[i] = inputArray[i];

                    } // end if


                    { // start else

                        // since the original array is smaller than

                        //  the new padded one, no value need to be

                        //  copied over, BUT the resulting indices still

                        //  need to be zeroed out; jump out of the if-else

                        //  conditions and continue processing the for loop

                        //  which will contine to zero out the remaining indices


                    } //end else     

                }// end for with i=0


                // return the new zero padded array after all processing is done

                this.modifiedArray = paddedArray;

                return paddedArray;


        }// end method "public Complex[] ZeroPad(Complex[] inputArray)"


        /// <summary>

        /// The actual FFT computations are done within this method.

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns>Returns an array of Complex values that have been transformed

        /// using the Fourier Transformation technique.</returns>

        /// <remarks>This method is provided in order to provide users with a finer

        /// grain of control at each step of the calculations.</remarks>

        public Complex[] DoFFT()

        {// start method "public Complex[] DoFFT(Complex[] paddedArray)"

            //        N

            // X(k) = SUM x(n) * Exp(-j * 2 * PI * k * n / N)

            //        n=0

            // and Euler's Identity:

            //       j*theta

            //      e        = cos(theta) + j * sin(theta)

            // the resulting array will hold the computations after

            //  FFT is performed and it will be the same length

            //  as the number of FFT points (same as the lenth

            //  of the padded array from the ZeroPad() method)

            //  result = X(k);  paddedArray = x(n)


            // retrieve the modified input array from the property

            Complex[] paddedArray = this.ModifiedArray;


            // create storage for the resulting transformed output

            Complex[] frequencyDomain = new Complex[paddedArray.Length];


            // get the number of FFT points based on the length of

            //  the padded array; this is done to simply shorten

            //  some of the expressions below

            Int32 points = paddedArray.Length;


            // outer iteration to determine the value of each point

            //  in the result set of the FFT transformation

            //  this loop calculates the X(k)'s in the FFT equation

            for (Int32 k = 0; k < points; k++)

            { // start for with k=0


                // temp1 will hold the results of the inner interations

                //  below and it is reset on each outer iteration

                Complex temp1 = new Complex(0, 0);


                // inner iteration to compute the sums of values needed

                //  for each FFT point - this is a shifted sum of x(n)'s

                for (Int32 n = 0; n < points; n++)

                { // start for with n=0


                    // local variable to compute each iteration of

                    //  x(n) * exp(...)

                    Complex temp2 = new Complex(0, 0);


                    // local variables to hold the result of each

                    //  part of the Euler Identity portion of the

                    //  FFT transformaton equation

                    Double real_part = 0;   // cos(theta)

                    Double imag_part = 0;   // sin(theta)


                    real_part = Math.Cos((2 * Math.PI * n * k) / points);

                    imag_part = Math.Sin((2 * Math.PI * n * k) / points) * -1;


                    temp2.Real = real_part;    // set the Real and Imaginary properties of the local

                    temp2.Imaginary = imag_part;//  Complex object uses to keep track of computations


                    // X(k) = [cos(T) + j Sin(T)] * x(n)

                    temp2 = temp2 * paddedArray[n];

                    temp1 = temp1 + temp2;  // sum each successive iteration

                }//end for with n=0


                // pass each calculated FFT point back to the result array

                frequencyDomain[k] = temp1;

            } // end for with k=0


            return frequencyDomain;

        }// end method "public Complex[] DoFFT(Complex[] paddedArray)"


        /// <summary>

        /// Retrieves the real part of each Complex value in an array of Complex objects.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="complexArray">An array of Complex types.</param>

        /// <returns>Returns an array of Double values representing the real part of each Complex value.</returns>

        public Double[] Real(Complex[] complexArray)

        {// start method "public Double[] Real()"



                if (complexArray == null)

                { throw new NullReferenceException("Object is a null reference and needs to be initialized"); }



                    Double[] real = new Double[complexArray.Length];


                    for (Int32 i = 0; i < complexArray.Length; i++)

                    {// start for with i=0

                        real[i] = complexArray[i].Real;

                    }// end for with i=0

                    return real;



            catch (Exception ex)


                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);




        }// end start method "public Double[] Real()"


        /// <summary>

        /// Retrieves the imaginary part of each Complex value in an array of Complex objects.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="complexArray">An array of Complex types.</param>

        /// <returns>Returns an array of Double values representing the imaginary part of each Complex value.</returns>

        public Double[] Imaginary(Complex[] complexArray)

        {// start method "public Double[] Imaginary(Complex[] complexArray)"



                if (complexArray == null)

                { throw new NullReferenceException("Object is a null reference and needs to be initialized"); }



                    Double[] imag = new Double[complexArray.Length];

                    for (Int32 i = 0; i < complexArray.Length; i++)

                    {// start for with i=0

                        imag[i] = complexArray[i].Imaginary;

                    }// end for with i=0

                    return imag;



            catch (Exception ex)


                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);



        }// end method "public Double[] Imaginary(Complex[] complexArray)"


        /// <summary>

        /// Computes the absolute value/magnitude of a Complex object.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="complexArray">An array of Complex types.</param>

        /// <returns>Returns an array of Double values representing the absolute value/magnitude of each

        /// index of the complexArray argument.</returns>

        public Double[] Abs(Complex[] complexArray)

        {// start method "public Double Abs(Complex[] complexArray)"



                if (complexArray == null)

                { throw new NullReferenceException("Object is a null reference and needs to be initialized"); }



                    Double[] abs = new Double[complexArray.Length];


                    for (Int32 i = 0; i < complexArray.Length; i++)

                    {// start for with i=0

                        //abs[i] = Math.Sqrt((complexArray[i].Real * complexArray[i].Real) + (complexArray[i].Imaginary * complexArray[i].Imaginary));

                        abs[i] = complexArray[i].Modulus();

                    }// end for with i=0

                    return abs;



            catch (Exception ex)


                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);



        }// end method "public Double Abs(Complex[] complexArray)"


        /// <summary>

        /// Overriden version of the System.Object.Equals() method.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="obj">Object type to be compared to.</param>

        /// <returns>Returns true if the current object and the argument 'obj' are equal and false otherwise.</returns>

        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj)


            if (obj == null)

                return false;

            if (obj is FFT)

            { return this == (FFT)obj; }


            { return false; }



        /// <summary>

        /// Overidden version of System.Object.GetHashCode() method.

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns>A hash code for the current FFT object.</returns>

        public override Int32 GetHashCode()


            return base.GetHashCode();


        #endregion // End region defintion for Methods


    }// end defintion of Class "FFT"

    #endregion // End region definition for Class "FFT"


    #region Start Class "IFFT"

    //        1    N

    // x(n) = - * SUM X(k) * Exp(j * 2 * PI * k * n / N)        1 <= n <= N

    //        N   n=0

    // and Euler's Identity:

    //       j*theta

    //      e        = cos(theta) + j * sin(theta)


    /// <summary>

    /// Performs the Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation on an array of real or complex values

    /// and returns the result.

    /// </summary>

    public class IFFT : FFT

    {// start of class "IFFT"


        #region IFFT -> PRIVATE FIELDS

        /// <summary>

        /// Array of frequency domain Complex values to be transformed to time domain using IFFT.

        /// </summary>

        private Complex[] inputArray;


        /// <summary>

        /// 32-bit representation of the number of points used in the IFFT calculation.

        /// </summary>

        private Int32 noOfPoints;


        /// <summary>

        /// Modified array of frequence domain Complex values to be transformed to time domain using IFFT.

        /// Modification is in the form of either no changes was done to the original input array or the input

        /// was truncated/zero-padded.

        /// </summary>

        private Complex[] modifiedArray;

        #endregion  // End of region definition for Private Fields




        /// <summary>

        /// Gets or sets the array to be transformed.

        /// </summary>

        public new Complex[] ComplexArray

        {// start property "ComplexArray"


            { return this.inputArray; }


            { this.inputArray = value; }

        }// end property "ComplexArray"


        /// <summary>

        /// Gets or sets the number of points used in the Fast Fourier transformation.

        /// </summary>

        public new Int32 NumberOfPoints

        {// start property "NumberOfPoints"


            { return this.noOfPoints; }


            { this.noOfPoints = value; }

        }// end property "NumberOfPoints"


        #endregion // End of region definiton for Properties


        #region IFFT -> CONSTRUCTORS

        /// <summary>

        /// Initialize an new instance of an IFFT object using the "complexArray" argument

        /// to populate the array to be transformed.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="complexArray">An array of Complex types to be transformed.</param>

        public IFFT(Complex[] complexArray) : base(complexArray)

        {// start "IFFT(Complex[] complexArray)"

            this.inputArray = complexArray;

            this.noOfPoints = complexArray.Length;

            this.modifiedArray = new Complex[this.noOfPoints];

        }// end "IFFT(Complex[] complexArray)"


        /// <summary>

        /// Initialize an new instance of an IFFT object using the "complexArray" argument

        /// to populate the array to be transformed and the "noOfPoints" argument to set

        /// the number of points used in the calculation.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="complexArray">An array of Complex types to be transformed.</param>

        /// <param name="noOfPoints">32-bit representation of the number of FFT points to be used.</param>

        public IFFT(Complex[] complexArray, Int32 noOfPoints) : base(complexArray, noOfPoints)

        {// start "IFFT(Complex[] complexArray, Int32 noOfPoints)"



                this.inputArray = complexArray;

                this.noOfPoints = noOfPoints;

                this.modifiedArray = new Complex[this.noOfPoints];


                if (noOfPoints <= 0)

                    throw new FourierTransformException("The number of points must be greater than 0");


            catch (FourierTransformException ex)




        }// end "IFFT(Complex[] complexArray, Int32 noOfPoints)"

        #endregion // End region definition for Constructors


        #region IFFT -> METHODS

        public Complex[] Ifft()

        {// start method "public Complex[] Ifft()"


            // First:


            Complex[] padIfft = ZeroPad();


            Complex[] timeDomain = DoIFFT();


            return timeDomain;


        }// end method "public Complex[] Ifft()"



        //        1    N

        // x(n) = - * SUM X(k) * Exp(j * 2 * PI * k * n / N)        1 <= n <= N

        //        N   n=0

        // and Euler's Identity:

        //       j*theta

        //      e        = cos(theta) + j * sin(theta)


        /// <summary>

        /// The actual IFFT computations are done within this method.

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns>Returns an array of Complex values that have been transformed

        /// using the Inverse Fourier Transformation technique.</returns>

        /// <remarks>This method is provided in order to provide users with a finer

        /// grain of control at each step of the calculations.</remarks>

        public Complex[] DoIFFT()

        {// start method "public Complex[] DoIFFT()"


            // get the modified array to be operated on from

            //  the base class property

            Complex[] paddedArray = base.ModifiedArray; /*this.ModifiedArray;)*/


            // create storage for the resulting transformed output

            Complex[] timeDomain = new Complex[paddedArray.Length];


            // get the number of points used in the IFFT calculation

            Int32 points = paddedArray.Length;


            for (Int32 n = 0; n < points; n++)

            {// start for with n=0



                // temp1 will hold the results of the inner interations

                //  below and it is reset on each outer iteration

                Complex temp1 = new Complex(0, 0);


                for (Int32 k = 0; k < points; k++)

                {// start for with k=0


                    // local variable to compute each iteration of

                    //  X(k) * exp(...)

                    Complex temp2 = new Complex(0, 0);


                    // local variables to hold the result of each

                    //  part of the Euler Identity portion of the

                    //  FFT transformaton equation

                    Double real_part = 0;   // cos(theta)

                    Double imag_part = 0;   // sin(theta)


                    real_part = Math.Cos((2 * Math.PI * n * k) / points);

                    imag_part = Math.Sin((2 * Math.PI * n * k) / points);


                    temp2.Real = real_part;    // set the Real and Imaginary properties of the local

                    temp2.Imaginary = imag_part;//  Complex object uses to keep track of computations


                    // x(n) = [cos(T) + j Sin(T)] * X(k)

                    temp2 = temp2 * paddedArray[k];

                    temp1 = temp1 + temp2;  // sum each successive iteration



                }//end for with k=0


                timeDomain[n] = (temp1) / points;


            }// end for with n=0


            return timeDomain;

        }// end method "public Complex[] DoIFFT()"


        /// <summary>

        /// Overriden version of the System.Object.Equals() method.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="obj">Object type to be compared to.</param>

        /// <returns>Returns true if the current object and the argument 'obj' are equal and false otherwise.</returns>

        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj)


            if (obj == null)

                return false;

            if (obj is IFFT)

            { return this == (IFFT)obj; }


            { return false; }



        /// <summary>

        /// Overidden version of System.Object.GetHashCode() method.

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns>A hash code for the current IFFT object.</returns>

        public override Int32 GetHashCode()


            return base.GetHashCode();


        #endregion // End region definiton for DoIFFT()


    }// end of class "IFFT"

    #endregion // End region definition for Class IFFT


    #region Start of Class "FourierTransformException"

    public class FourierTransformException : Exception

    {// start definiton of Class "FourierTransformException"

        public FourierTransformException() : base() { }

        public FourierTransformException(String message) : base(message) { }

    }// end definiton of Class "FourierTransformException"

    #endregion End of CLASS "FourierTransformException"


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